Celebrate! Our 2025 Stewardship Campaign
Pledging FAQs

Celebration is the work of many, not the few. Likewise, the financial responsibility for this celebration community is the work of many, not the few. Thank you for all you do – and are – for this community.
Fr. Jonathan Wickham
God of Love,
you made us in your image. You fill us with your compassion, justice, and peace, and you shower us with abundant gifts.
Open our lips, O God,
that we may proclaim your love and healing in our lives, in our congregation, in our community, and in the world.
Open our minds, O God,
that we may dream of a shared life of compassionate embrace for all people, all creation, all creatures great and small.
Open our hearts, O God,
to be so transformed by your love that we may serve
others with humility, integrity, and urgency.

1. What is a "pledge," and why does my pledge mean so much to All Saints'?
Your pledge is a monetary commitment to help this community continue onward. Your pledge helps us continue to be a place where the compassionate story of Jesus Christ is experienced and shared. It allows us to extend our hospitality to those in our community who need it most. Your pledge to All Saints' says, "I support the ministry and programs taking place through All Saints', and I want this ministry to grow, expand, and continue to be offered to others."
2. What do my pledge dollars support?
As an Episcopal parish, All Saints' is responsible for supporting our shared life and funding the mission and ministry which is uniquely ours. Pledge dollars are used to fund the operating budget for our life together. They support building use expenses, such as electricity, water, gas, maintenance, and other use expenses similar to those in your own home. Pledge dollars support staff salaries, program and ministry development, and support for the six stewarding groups (Caring for All God's Creation, Mission and Service, Finance and Management, Spiritual Formation, Praxis of Prayer and Worship, Spiritual Gifts). Your pledge dollars also support the Diocese and National church through apportionment payments.
3. Why are we asked to pledge in the fall of each year?
The declaration of your pledge in the fall helps us plan and allocate for our future together in the coming year. Pledges are most useful when made as year-long commitments, and we encourage you to make your annual pledge on or by early December. Proper budgeting can't be done until we can estimate our income. Most people fulfill their pledges in installments; in weekly or monthly installments throughout their pledged year. That said, we welcome your pledge at any time during the year. If you have questions about pledging, please reach out to Father Jonathan at 361-855-6294 or jonathan@allsaints-cc.org.
4. How do I decide how much to pledge?
Your giving is as personal to you as prayer; only you can know what is right for you. The important thing is to make a commitment. You'll find that proportional giving — which speaks to your current financial circumstances, where you are in your overall life plan, to your journey in the light of Christ's love — will help you acknowledge your blessings and help you grow spiritually.
5. What is proportional giving?
If you don't already practice proportional giving, we urge you to begin your commitment of proportional giving. The Bible states a specific obligation to "tithe" — which is, to give one-tenth of what you have received from God back to God. If one-tenth sounds like a lot, try pledging 4 percent of your total annual income. The wonderful diversity found at All Saints' is also found in our diverse levels of comfort with annual pledging, proportional giving, and tithing: We all give what we can, when we can.
6. What happens to cash plate offerings?
Plate or "loose" offerings are cash offerings that are not attributed to a donor; it goes to "non-pledge" income and isn't something we can count on receiving — with certainty — when budgeting for the incoming year.
7. What is Legacy Giving?
Legacy Giving is the ultimate stewardship. It is the way in which you dispose of the assets you've accumulated during your lifetime. It is an opportunity to leave a gift that constitutes a legacy for the generations that'll come after us. To learn more about Legacy Giving, click here.